Edson Duarte - parafina


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On the 2 nd of November 2020, Edson Duarte is going to complete 73 years of life and we, fans of his
work, decided to honor his art and career inside the Forró movement with a special project:

Crowdfunding of Edson Duarte’s new vinyl record “Edson Duarte – 2020 – Parafina”

Almost 30 years after recording his last vinyl record and approximately 55 years after his first
professional recording, this release promises to bring up songs that where milestones in the career of this great artist.

The produced edition will be limited to 300 copies of very high quality, with all the charm of a 10-inch
vinyl (EP), made for collectors and aficionados of good music.

In addition to the album, the project offers a series of special rewards:
Exclusive posters, autographed EPs, songs in a high quality digital format, access to live
transmissions and special shows for supporters and much more!


Singer, composer and percussionist, began his career at the end of the decade of 1960 and played a major role in the Forró scene during the 80ties.

Even with the decline of the record labels in the 90ties, the changes in media and the technological evolution, he continued to produce and today he counts 20 albums in his career.

In 2008, he established himself in the southeast with an intense routine of shows and independent recordings.

Since then, his musical production has never stopped, and in the last 12 years, Edson has recorded 5 independent albums, in addition to participating in several compilations.


Life is made of circles and some repeat themselves. The technology of vinyl records was almost forgotten in the decade of the 90ies; however, the format has come back into vogue and attracts collectors and enthusiasts.

In this decade, sales of vinyl records surpassed the ones of CDs for the first time since 1986, and, in 2019, they were on a higher rank than digital downloads.

Even in this moment of global recession, the popularity of vinyl records is increasing. 
Artists want to release in this format, people want to buy and listen to it. That market has reinvigorated.

Many people of the current generation (between 30 and 50 years) feel that they missed out on something and want to have that experience.

For the emerging generation, it becomes normal again.

After all, for young people it makes sense to have an album with a special symbolism.

To support and spread the vinyl movement is an issue of preserving cultural memory.


For the ones involved in culture and organization of couple dance events, the expression “Bote parafina no salão” – “Put paraffin in the hall” – is a common one. However, for the participants as well as for some younger dancers, it might be an abstract expression.

Before ballrooms open, whether in Forró or traditional ballroom dancing, the production team must prepare the space for the ball to be perfect.

When the traditional dance spaces, “os salões” (“the halls”), are clean and polished (since the floor is usually made of parquet or floorboards), slipping is very common, which can cause accidents and injuries.

Putting chipped or grated paraffin on the floor has become a ritual in the process of opening a ball.

Interestingly, paraffin is also used to hydrate the skin of the “pandeiro” (tambourine), to better conserve it.



– The satisfaction of helping a great master of popular Brazilian culture, preserving his memory

– Our eternal gratitude and your name written on the project webpage as a supporter

– Access to the live stream commemorating the 73 years of Edson Duarte (2 nd of November 2020)

– 1 special invitation for the exclusive live stream of the release of Edson Duarte’s new album

– 1 personal voucher for downloading the songs in mp3

– 1 personal voucher for downloading the songs in WAV, AIFF or FLAC in high quality

– 1 copy of the EP “Edson Duarte – 2020 – Parafina” (pick-up places in BH, BSB, RE and SP)

– Special autograph of Edson Duarte on his vinyl record

– 1 special post with acknowledgment and dedication on our social media to thank for your support

– 1 little video or a thank you call from Edson Duarte exclusively for you

– 7 exclusive project posters (to download in PDF for impression)

– The logo of your project printed as support on the back of the record cover

– You and your special guest in an intimate Pocket Live with Edson Duarte

– +5 copies of the EP “Edson Duarte”

– 1 thank you letter signed by Edson Duarte for the sponsorship in the project

– Complete collection of exclusive posters for impression

Important notes:

We will have delivery places for pick-up in some capitals like: SP, BH, BSB, Recife and Vila Velha.

For those who wish to receive the record at home, the shipping costs will be calculated and charged on a case-by-case basis.

The rewards are divided into combos and grouped by value.



Development of the project with care and publication on the internet
You, helping us to spread the project and contributing however you can
The project has already been successful, now we go ahead to achieve new goals!
We reached GOAL 1 to render the project possible, and we produced the special rewards
Time to deliver all the rewards and collect feedback from all our new friends 😉
We have reached the end, so it is time to thank all of you who make part of our story!



Woo-hoo (10%)
– Platform
– Fees
– Counseling

Production: material and rewards (50%) 
– Remastering / remixing
– Vinyl pressing
– Prints
– Administrative fees
– Inputs and others

General production (40%)
– General production
– Executive production
– Curatorship of the material
– Legal advice
– Music licenses
– Branding and art direction
– Creation and illustrations
– Web development
– Press office and divulgement
– Social media

In this chart, you can see how the money raised will be used, should our goals be achieved. It is important to emphasize that, in case the project surpasses its initial goal, part of the amount will go to our dear Edson Duarte, who is currently isolated at his home.
The money will also be used to improve the quality of the project, support the voluntary collaborators
and to offer more quality in rewards and final material, thus enabling our team to carry out other
equally important projects.


Links and information about our team:
General production
Forró em Foco – @forroemfoco
Selection of the repertory and remixing
DJ Ivan – Ivan Dias / SP – @ivandiasok
DJ Sampa – Welington de Freitas / Zurich, Switzerland – @djsampa.vinyl
DJ Vhinny – Vinicius Santerio / MG – @djvhinny
Executive production
Guilherme Veras / MG – @guilhermevveras
Ivan Dias / SP – @ivandiasok
Identity and web development
Guilherme Veras / MG – @guilhermevveras
Creation and illustrations
Laila Morgana / BA – @lailamorgana
Communication and social media
Forronáuticos – Gabriela Maurisso / MG – @forronauticos
Nagulha – Rodrigo Pires / PE – @nagulha.lab
Amo Dançar Forró – Alexandre Mori / SP – @amodancarforro
Financial management
Eliene Novaes / DF
Gráfica Andorinha / MG
Vinyl pressing
Vinil Brasil / SP
Estúdio Casa da Árvore – Omar Campos / SP
Leonie Waldburger / Basel, Switzerland


Do you want to support the project in another way? Shall we form a partnership and talk?
